Communicating with animals

First of all, I do not teach animal-communication!
To save you the effort of contacting me for teaching šŸ™‚
I have not learned pet communication in a course; I do not have a five-step or x-step, or a ā€œHow toā€ program that promises that you will achieve this in no time.
I honestly donā€™t know if this is something one can learn, or is it innate to all of us, and we have to – sort of – remember, or, some have it, some do not, and never will.
It is possible that people who are genuinely interested in ā€œlearningā€ animal communication already have an internal sense of it anyway.
That is why they are drawn to get instructions, and that is why they will have positive results.

Gekko baby
A tiny Gecko baby, sitting in my hand. He got confident and felt the peace in me, as I transmitted the pledge to stay quiet so that I could take this picture with my other hand.

Animal communication is not limited to pets like cats and dogs.
If other domesticated animals would be included, I assure the meat-eating habit would shrink to a minority. You might even notice that doing it with wild animals can be quite confirming.
I use my innate gift of animal communication to help and support animals. I never use it to control an animal or to please anybody with a show or to show off.
For me, this is the most sacred of all the gifts I have. I neither approach an animal with the desire to communicate; I usually let animals and pets come to me.
If they want to share, they do! If they donā€™t, you will not be able to force them anyway. Communication with animals does not work as it does with humans. You can push, manipulate, pressure people into talking. We all know that.
Most of the time, they do it anyway, and often to please others – or thatā€™s what they think the other wants; itā€™s harder for people to shut up than talk.
Do I sound harsh towards people here? This is not my intention, but this fact is probably the only secret one must know. The fact that what humans consider communication, and the how-to, has nothing to do how animals present themselves and understand us.
I guess my communication happens telepathically -or is it empathically? The messages or impressions come mostly in the form of inner knowing. I also feel the animalā€™s physical and emotional state in my body – combined with that ā€œinner-knowing.ā€ Sometimes I perceive their story, traumas, and if an issue is ready to be released. Often, I recognize symbols or images, and in such cases, the caretaker must be honest and open for communication and interpretation. I allow to let come through what wants to be told. It is almost like catching a ball that comes towards you out of nowhere.
As I mentioned at the beginning, I do not know whether animal-communication is an innate gift or can be learned. One thing I am sure about: If you love animals, and you can put aside your self-directed need -if only for that brief moment- you will be able to perceive the need of another being, whether it is an animal, a plant or a human being.