Bach Flower Therapy

For my holistic medical work with animals, Bach´s Flower Essences are a precious addition to my hands-on healing or distance healing work and can easily be used together with other natural remedies and my homeopathic prescriptions. I use Bach Flower Essences whenever my inner guidance explicitly tells me to.

Bach Flower Therapy helps in restoring psychological and emotional harmony, therefore having a beneficial impact on the physical body as well.

To mention but a few examples, I successfully use Bach Flower Remedies for treatment of:

  • Fears
  • General jealousy
  • Jealousy about food
  • Restlessness
  • Aggression
  • Self-confidence issues
  • Change
  • Adaptation issues
  • Unexplained behavioral changes

Emotional and behavioral distress usually accompanies chronic ailments. It is equally accurate to say that persistent dis-ease results from emotional pain. Hence, using a holistic approach to address chronic dis-ease, and see it in the context of the whole situation, is not only beneficial but necessary. Bach Flower Essences are a valuable support to do that.

My Holistic Healing work is not limited to animals alone. As a holistic healer, I have worked with people professionally for more than a decade. In my experience, the caretakers highly benefit from taking Bach Flowers as well, when approaching me with their pet’s issues. In some cases, pet and owner both need the same combination, in other cases, they share merely some of the Essences. Knowing about the interconnectedness between a pet and its owner, this is not at all surprising to me.

In addition to the fact that they work, there are many more benefits of using these Remedies. Such as that they are quite affordable and that they are easy to administer. Once in your holistic medicine chest, you have a remedy for the whole family. The value of Bach`s Flower eÉssences does not even stop there. I have used them also for specific plant treatment, Overdosing is not a danger – just a waste of the precious Flower Essences – and as long as you store them correctly, they last a very long time. The same is true for homeopathic medicine. In my work with animals, I have a high success rate with these remedies, as long as they are given as prescribed, and not changed by the caretaker.

In my experience, there is a growing need for Bach Flower Remedies and Energy Healing for pets, since, luckily, more and more warmhearted people are adopting homeless animals. Many of these pets do have at least minor issues. It is quite common that adopted pets have anxieties, even though only in the beginning, due to adaptation issues. Unless the new owner can handle the pets integration without help, these powerful essences can be a brilliant help.

It would be helpful to come by for consultation before adopting a pet. I can help you with energetic tools and Flower Essences that will prevent adaptation issues.
Unfortunately, it is relatively common that people first try to “play around” with these remedies since there is a lot of information on the internet and the Bach Flower Essences are easily purchasable.

It is true that no harm can be done (except that the wrong remedy won´t help). But it takes a professional and experienced practitioner to choose the right Flower Essence, be it a single Essence or as a combination!

It is worth to contact professional holistic help as soon as possible not to make the issue worse. You will get a fast and low-cost result instead of a prolonged struggle and frustration, and you can enjoy your new pet companion.

However, keep one thing in mind: Bach Flower Essences are not capable of changing an animal´s nature. Especially certain animal breeds have their unique traits and behaviors. Sometimes the problem is just that the owner’s temperament and the animal’s temperament do not match. Unfortunately, you can not fix the mistake of choosing an animal breed that does not fit your personality.

It is crucial that you choose wisely and inform yourself well if you want a particular breed. These issues hardly arise with mixed race and especially if you follow your heart and inner guidance and adopt an animal from a shelter.